Sunday, December 12, 2010

Every Action Leads

On the third day of my trip in Greece, we had a five hour car ride to Sofia, Bulgaria. Our team was given a movie about trafficking to watch on the way that followed four common way girls are tricked or kidnapped.

It was nothing compared to what actually happens to women but it was disturbing enough that it broke each one of our hearts in a new way. It gave us a glimpse into how this crime operates and we realized what a perverted way the Devil is using sex to destroy millions of people.

What is commonly overlooked is the slow fade from "probably wrong" to pure evil. America is perfectly oblivious that R rated movies can easily lead to porn, porn leads to strip clubs which then gets boring and leads to prostitution. Then sadly, we don't realize that a brainwashed girl that has "chosen" to be a prostitute is a slave herself...

Please be mindful that choosing a life of purity may not be cool. Believe me I am often called too sensitive or a goody goody, but every action leads to the next action.

Rescuing one girl at a time from a strip club, motel room or brothel isn't enough if we blindly keep feeding the monster that is making this poison easy to swallow.

While in Greece we kept hearing that the key to freeing the women is changing the mindset of a culture that is comfortable with a perverted version of intimacy. It sounded a lot like home to me which fuels me even more to be opposite of what is acceptable. I would rather live by this:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Please join me in walking upstream. All the of the water is rushing one direction, but I have seen first hand where that water is leading to. It takes each one of us choosing to turn around and helping others to see that what they consider a harmless choice is engaging in an industry that brings destruction.

- Katy

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Fact vs. Truth

It will take a couple of blogs for me to tell you about my trip to Greece, so I want to begin with a lesson that I learned about focus. It is important that our perspectives are correct when learning about human trafficking because of the horrific nature of the crime.

Being submerged in how a nightmarish crime works can feel so hopeless when you look at the facts and statistics. You look at the numbers as being overwhelming, the men who use women as animals and hate and anger are the first feelings that arise when you see the injustice. But none of those feelings are from the Lord. Those responses are not grace or love driven, so we have to stop immediately, and ask God "what do you say about this?"

I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness;
I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles,
to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison
and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

Isaiah 42:6-7

It is easy to see that the women in slavery are captives, but the people who trick women and children and kidnap them are captives too. A man that uses a prostitute is a captive and the pimps, madams and mob are captives. When we can stop seeing the oppressors as evil and start seeing them as the captives also, we are seeing the world through truth and not facts. We do not battle against flesh and blood so keeping our focus on the true battle is key in abolishing human trafficking. Perversion that Satan has injected into our cultures is the what causes this crime. Choose to hate the Devil, not the people he uses as pons to further his territory.

Fact - there are around 50 million slaves in the world today. Looks like a hopeless task.

But when I met six girls who were rescued and are now safe and putting their lives back together, it made that mountain of a statistic seem small.

In just two years A21 Campaign has had over 70 women go through their restoration program and have assisted another 900.

I want to encourage you that if you want to make a difference in someone's life, allow God to restore you first. Seek out classes and wisdom on God's restoration, make the effort to find inner healing, it will be the most important investment you will ever make.

- Katy

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The House That Built Me

Tomorrow I leave for my mission trip. I have been waiting for this trip to arrive for 11 months! I told Kyle last night that we could have had a baby quicker than this trip! But, the time has finally come and I am humbled to be on this team and have our church send us out to explore how we can better aid the women and children in slavery.

Last weekend were the final services in our church's current building. In worship this past Sunday morning, I thought about the day Kyle and I came to church here for the first time, Mother's Day 2006.

I remember clearly the conversation Kyle and I had after that service. I said "I have no idea what he was talking about." And Kyle said "Me neither. But I liked it." There have been about million times since then I have had that thought, and I am so grateful.

Kyle and I were raised in a church that laid a healthy and stable foundation for us. We were taught the truth from a young age and it gave us a solid beginning. Some would say a good foundation is enough, but God desires more.

Our next chapter was about finding out what we believed. Not leaning our parent's faith, but discovering a more personal relationship with God than ever before.

The house that raised us sent out with a big fantastic wedding.

And now the house that built us is sending me out. Not just for a 2 week trip, but to my destiny to free the captives. I feel overwhelmed when I think about it.

I am so grateful for both of these chapters, and I am excited about the new journey that is beginning at 3 pm tomorrow.

- Katy

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Red Lights in November

In two weeks I will be going on a trip with 14 other people to Europe where a large number of women and children are being trafficked for sex slavery. The team I am going with will be helping with an awareness day in the city, going to rescue centers and researching what our church can do to aid in the fight against modern day slavery. Currently, my church financially supports the organization that we will be working with, but it is our heart to do everything we possibly can to free the captives.

One evening we will be going to the red light district of the city to see the brothels, so I am asking you that during the month of November, every time you pull up to a red light, pray for us. It is a simple reminder for you that the red light districts around the world are growing daily and in November I need your prayers!

Two weeks from today I will be there. It is hard to prepare for this trip. I am very familiar with mission trips, but most of the time when someone returns, I hear them talk of poverty, illness and lack of basic needs. If I was going to a village in Africa I feel like I would know what to expect based on what I have heard from family who has been.

This trip is about witnessing a vile injustice, treating someone like an animal and forcing them into a life of slavery. I have no frame of reference or idea what it will be like to talk someone who has just come out of that situation.

The unknowns of this trip are what scare me the most. I am very excited as I know this will be absolutely life changing, but as it gets closer I am taken back by the gravity of the circumstances I will witness.

A few months ago someone asked me if I was scared to go, and I said "I am more afraid of not doing what God tells me to do." I truly mean that, so when fear tries to rise up, I will be remembering that the best place to be in the world is right where God wants me. And, for two weeks of November that will be on the other side of the world trying to live this verse:

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

- Katy

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fully Present

Yesterday morning I was about to do ministry in a small group when my thoughts started drifting to the next meeting I needed to be at, the emails sitting in my inbox and so on. My brain was a good two hours ahead of me!

When I realized that my heart rate was increasing just thinking about my day, I stopped and asked the Lord to help me be fully present in where I actually was (not all the places I could have been). It would have been all too easy to think about the items on my to do list while in the group instead of fully engaging in what God was going to do.

This train of thought lead me to wonder how often we are not fully present because half of our present is in the future. Am I only partly in the season I am in now because I am worrying about what may be ahead?

I realized that in order for me to be fully present in my own life I have to work at it. You would think it would come naturally to be completely engaged in your own life, but really many of us are so concerned about the next step that we are missing the places we are passing by now.

I don't know about you, but I want to BE where I am. Not DO where I am, BE. See the difference?

I will be praying this from now on whenever my mind takes a step too soon:

Lord, please help me live my life on purpose. Fully present, fully engaged and not distracted by my own thoughts and agenda. Oh, and when I am "falling asleep at the wheel" you have full permission to awaken my soul!

- Katy

Friday, October 15, 2010

Life for the Weary

I had the privilege of giving a prophetic word at a ministry night for women last night. Prophetic words are simply something that God tells you for to you share with someone else to encourage, edify and comfort them. (1 Corinthians 14:3)

As we were worshipping, I felt God wanted to breath new life into the weary places of the women there (and now the blogging world).

Everyone has places in their heart that is weary. Some from a healing that they need, financial difficulty, a broken marriage or weary from just being tired for a long time. You may be reading this and a specific area has come to your mind. Then allow me to speak this scripture over you:

Genesis 2:7 The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

The amazing, all sufficient, over the top, joyful, peaceful, healing, all powerful breath of life is in you. AND in every weary place.

- Katy

Monday, October 4, 2010

Caution: Construction Zone

I'm doing some processing.

Today I was thinking about destructive life patterns that sneak their nasty way into the back door of our lives, nest there until we can't even recognize them anymore, and cause us to think they are just part of who we are. I admit, that was kind of an intense sentence, but that is really what happens.

I was talking with a friend just this morning who told me to keep her accountable in the area of gossip. Now that is wisdom! Recognizing that you have something that needs correcting and asking a trusted person in your life to help you retrain your mind and tongue.

I want to be the kind of person that can receive the truth in love, and give the truth in love.

Wearing a mask so not to see your flaws is surrendering to a problem that you were not created to walk in. It is learning to live with your wrongful behavior, thinking "that's just who I am".

RED FLAG! That is not who you are! And when someone says "that's just who you are", graciously say that they are wrong and to not label you with ungodly character ever again.

Anywho :) I'm just taking some time tonight to ask the Holy Spirit to tell me what I am currently doing that is setting destructive patterns in my life. Whether it is having a judgmental attitude, gossiping, being quick to frustration or maybe choosing to be negative (yes, I said choosing because it is a choice) I want to be a work in progress kind of person.

Lord, please allow my heart to be a construction zone for the rest of my life.

- Katy

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Love is a Battlefield

Imagine you are a 23 year old dancer with a little girl to take care of and the only dependable people in your life are your best friend and your brother's baby's mama. (I'm new at the baby mama slang)

So when I come in your strip club dressing room, introduce myself and give you a pedicure, you would be a shocked too when I refused to take payment or a tip.

Well, this dancer wasn't just shocked, she turned her head away and said "I'm gonna cry."

I'm sitting on the floor thinking, its just a pedicure? But what Kyle helped me realize later is, it wasn't that she didn't know how to accept a gift, she didn't know how to accept love.

In her world, love is a battlefield. You use people, they use you and you move on. Its is a painful gamble and it is easier to numb yourself and get used to it than remain open hearted.

In my world love is everywhere, my friendships, family, marriage, etc. So how do I bridge her life and mine? I don't know, but I'm trusting God to figure that out.

- Katy

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Little God Box

In the Bible God clearly tells the Israelites not to build idols to worship. What I never realized before was God was including idols of himself.

Many "gods" require statues to be built of themselves to be worshiped. What is different about the one true God is He doesn't want a man made picture of himself worshiped, He wants the unknown worshiped also.

When we think we understand God and who He is, we get a "picture" of Him in our minds. What we have to understand that the picture we have is not God. It is our idea of who He is.

Are you following me? It seems like details but it is actually a pretty big deal. When you lift up a picture of God you begin worshiping only what you understand of Him. God will then shake up your image of Him to remind you that He is far far more that you can think or imagine.

To fully worship Him we have to have our understanding of God increasing all the time. If you have put God in a box... well, your life is now in a box.

- Katy

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who Do You Say That I Am?

I just read this quote from Rick Warren: "What you become on earth matters far more than what you do. You're taking your character to heaven, not your career."

Hmmm. So what if you make serving the Kingdom your career? Does it still apply? In my opinion, YES.

Jesus said to love others as yourself. To me this means, first learn how to properly love yourself, second you will naturally love others.

When we try to be world changers out of a broken place we are not helping anyone. Hurt people hurt people, even if you are doing something noble. You may disagree with me (which is perfectly ok), but until you have a complete revelation that Jesus died for specifically you, you cannot fully see how Jesus died specifically for someone else.

I have know my entire life that Jesus died for the world because He loves us that much. But it wasn't until I grasped that He would have done the same thing had it just been me, that I could fully see other people's value.

Once we allow that kind of love to overwhelm us, we can be overwhelmed with compassion for others. Not sympathy. Compassion.

I believe to properly love myself is to ask God "Who do you say that I am?" and then believe Him and adjust my thinking to align with His perspective. Then I can view the world and others through His eyes and not through a filter that is based on my experiences.

My hope is that you will take time to consider how well you love yourself before trying to give out what you do not have. A changed perspective and acceptance of your true identity is the first step to loving others as yourself.

- Katy

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our God is Bigger

I have a crazy story to tell you. A young woman in the northern part of the country was in need of the rescuing power of God, took a risky step about 6 months ago, and her life crossed paths with mine.

This woman, who we will call Mary, was in a very dangerous situation. Raised in a Muslim family, her father was not happy when he found out that she had recently been saved and began threatening her and abusing her. She was being caged by his controlling behavior and she knew she had to get away.

Mary found out about my church through worship music she was listening to and out of desperation sent an email explaining her terrible situation. I don't know how, but that email sent into cyberspace came to me.

I can remember clearly reading the shocking words of her desperate circumstance. I sent Mary's email to a woman that I work with that I felt would be able to help her and prayed that God would work it out.

I never heard anything about it again until about 3 weeks ago. I was sitting in a meeting when one of our pastors shared a story that she had just heard about. That a young woman sent an email out crying for help and after months of planning she was rescued and brought here, given housing and is attending the church. I sat frozen knowing that was the email I had received months prior. They had no other information and I assumed I would never hear about it again.

This past Tuesday I was sitting at my desk when a tiny young woman came in my office to meet me. Yep, you guessed it. It was Mary.

I hugged her and started to cry knowing that our God is bigger, our God is stronger, our God is higher than any other. If our God is for us who can be against us?

Thirty minutes after she left I received an email from a woman in Baltimore crying out for help. In an abusive marriage and no money or way to get away from him. I will let you know how it goes.

- Katy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Down to the Neety Greety (Nacho Libre style)

I'm not sure why I feel such a need to be honest with whoever is reading this blog, but something in me says that my walk with the Lord may resound with one of you or encourage you when you are wondering "does God really care about me?"

Well let me look you in the monitor and say "He cares about all of it!" and I mean everything. I just heard someone say yesterday that God cares more about what He can do in you than what He can do through you. That statement rocks my world a little bit and I had to really think about that one. But, I have to say I agree.

If God cared mostly about what He could do through me, it would be a works based relationship. I have a grace based relationship with the Lord which mean He cares about my heart first. Then, secondly, cares about what I can do to further the Kindgom and serve people.

I find great joy in knowing God is always interested in bringing me to wholeness, and in turn, I can assist in bringing others to wholeness. I know that we will not be perfected until Heaven, but my life is going to be spent running that direction.

So do you want to run? I believe running to wholeness means giving every single inch of your being to the Lord. Not only your eternal future, but your identity, time, past, dreams, loves, fears, friendships, hurts, money, marriage, kids... (this could get long) to God.

I hope you spend this Wednesday knowing that your best friend (that just happens to run the Universe) loves spending time with you.

- Katy

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mexico to Canada

Some trips are nice and short. Some on the other hand are looooong. But when you arrive after a long journey, the destination is that much sweeter. Well, at least that is what I am telling myself.

I have shared before that perfectionism tries to run my life. Thankfully, my life is actually run by the Lord who trumps perfectionism, but sometimes I still allow it to take the top seat. I have found freedom from this bondage, which to me means, God has revealed it to me, taken away its power over me and given me the ability to recognize when it is creeping in the back door.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that I am immediately able to fully accept myself and not battle with finding acceptance. My pursuit to overcome perfectionism is a journey. The driving from Mexico to Canada kind of journey.

In this road trip that I am on, I must give myself grace when my world is out of control and I feel that it reflects badly on me. I have to give myself grace when I snap at someone when I'm under pressure or have a judgemental thought jump in my mind about someone's behavior. Or, how about this one? Give myself grace when comparing myself to a person much more kind, mature and gracious than I? Uh.

Giving myself grace is not believeing that my behavior is right, it is releasing myself after I make the situation right or ask for forgiveness. Accepting my personality, quirks, and weeknesses do not come naturally but God always welcomes me fully with a comforting embrace. Embracing me not because he overlooks what is wrong with me, but because he accepts all of me.

So there's not really a point or lesson in this blog, just a "day in the life" entry on my cross country road trip.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Population Me

I was just in the car and heard a new song on KLTY. It caught my attention because, although I don't remember the exact lyrics, the idea was; I can make selfish decisions when the population is me.

That line of "population me" was very black and white. Selfish = me, selfless = 2. When we do something for another person, we leave the "me" camp and our perspective is broadened.

My husband and I have just bought a home and are moving this Sunday. We prayed through every decision regarding this house, because we knew this home was not ours, but a tool the Lord would use to bring peace and joy to other people. The first evening we owned the house, we went in the backyard and said "This is God's house. We don't deserve this and we did nothing to earn this. So we will only use it how God tells us to use it."

Making that decision from day one was so important to the population of our house. We can have a mentality of "us four no more" or we can create a safe environment for hurting people to come and find healing, through hospitality and friendship.

This example was set for us very strongly by our parents. Many people have found the love of Jesus through the peace and safety of our parents homes.

I wanted to write about this today because I pray that many others will have their perspective broadened about the value of their home. In American, the value of homes are based on size, materials used, trees on the lot, etc. But what is the true value of your home? Do you see it as a place for your family to eat and sleep? Or is it a place of refuge for the needy and comfort for the brokenhearted.

Kyle and I were raised in homes that didn't just shut the door to the world around it, but welcomed others in and met their needs.

This blog is a shout out to our parents. They prove that communities are changed when a family doesn't close the blinds, but instead, looks out and loves those who need help.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

When Priorities Change

Goals, dreams, lists, values... all great things, but it seems they change.

When I was younger I wanted to work in marketing in a tall building in the big city, drink coffee, wear high heels, be in charge of things and go to meetings with clients. I know, drink coffee? But it just seemed really cool.

So at the ripe age of 21 I actually worked for an advertising agency, in a tall building in the big city, drank coffee, wore high heels, had a lot of responsibilities and even went to client meetings. (some pretty cool ones to) Well, it turned out that was not what I truly desired after all. What my heart longed for, was something completely different!

God removed me from that career path and took me to my current job in women's groups, which by the way, I said I would never do. I work for an incredible church that is setting the example for churches all over the world for health, healing, worship, stewardship, giving, local and global outreach and much more. My job is not glamorous as I spend most of my day answering questions and making excel sheets, but I love it. It is my dream for today and God changed my heart so that I could fulfill this role in the church body. For the record I still wear high heels.

The reason I was thinking about this is my sister posted a blog today about not having a desire to have anymore biological children, although she values that gift, her heart has been changed by the Lord to long for orphans to have homes. Her mother's heart has been redirected for the motherless. What an honor that the Lord trusted her to fulfill this role. She is an advocate for orphans around the world and her voice will bring thousands of abandoned children to their mommy and daddy.

I am so proud that what society says is most important, does not control her decisions, but her humility to the little ones in need and listening to the call of God.

This makes me wonder what dreams I have now that I currently think are important, but will eventually turn into insignificant details. I can say today that I never would have dreamed of being a part of a ministry that washes the feet of strippers... but God changed that too.


Friday, August 13, 2010

The Why's

Sometimes things happen that make you go "Really?"

This morning I learned about a sad loss in my family and my body is still numb. I am frozen by the "why" in my heart.

A few years ago my family experienced a tragic loss and the "why" of that event took over in my heart for a season. That is a nice way of saying I was ticked at God. For months I was in a funk of numbness and hurt. From that experience I learned that the "why" that haunts you can be your worst enemy. To demand to know why and understand can be the source of depression or rebelion.

Today as I feel the need to scream at the Lord and explain to Him what would have been better, I know deep down that my will has to rise above my emotions and decide to trust my faithful God.

I'm not going to stuff down my feelings or pretend that I'm fine, but I will express them and know that although those feelings are real, they have no power over me.

The only power that I can allow to be over me is the healing power of the Holy Spirit. It is His job to heal mine and my family's heart and it is our job to guard our hearts from bitterness.

I believe it is not the events in our lives that cause the most pain. It is the why that we allow to control us.

- Katy

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Three Lessons

It is Saturday night and I could be spending time with my awesome friends or family. But instead I am here, sitting on the ground in the corner of the dressing room hunched over clipping a strangers toe nails and she's HIGH!!

These were the thoughts that were going through my mind about 9pm this past Saturday as I was back at the strip club giving pedicures to the dancers with three other women.

The lessons learned this time: 1) humility 2) patience 3) and a grand finale of faith.


I realized something while washing "Clover's" feet. The moment I walk in the door here, I no longer work at a mega-church and do important Kingdom things all day. I don't tithe or give to missions. I don't have a solid marriage, healthy friend and family relationships. I don't watch what I eat, work-out or drink lots of water. I am no longer the person that makes me a "good person" in church world. I am a stranger here to give you a free pedicure.

A dancer decides I look trust worthy enough to let me paint her toenails and immediately I am a part of her world. Smoke blowing my face, dirty language used in our conversation and all the drama you can image. So different than my world.

Then the moment I walk out, my handsome godly husband picks me up in our shiny new truck and saves me from the dirtiness and takes me to our peaceful happy life. (Keep in mind I like it that way and I don't want any of that to change, I guess I just find it ironic.)

Any way, that is how the evening began. Contemplating how my life is so so so different then theirs, but only by a few choices.


While sitting listening to the girls' casual conversations, each one of them admit that they have either been raped or sexually abused. This is their casual conversation. That is when I realized that maybe clipping Clover's toenails didn't matter tonight, but overtime it will. This ministry is about trust. When you reach out to those who have been wronged their entire life, it is going to take some time.


While we were in the club, Kyle stayed at a near by McDonald's and prayed for us. As he was sitting there a woman walked up and asked him if he was reading the Bible. He said yes and they began talking about why he was there. She said that she was a Christian also, from New York, just passing through and she thought it was awesome what he was doing and went on the restroom. When she came out, the woman went back over to Kyle and said that God had told her to give to the ministry and handed him a $100 check.

That woman's faith in God's leading gave us a huge boost of faith and encouragement that we were needing. It showed Kyle that his time spent in pray mattered. It showed me that the time spent listening to these hurting women mattered. And even clipping Clover's toenails mattered. But most of all, the dancers matter.

- Katy

Sunday, July 25, 2010

An Ocean to Find

Today I want to give a big shout out to the Freedom Ministry Department at my church. They are teaching thousands of people how to truly walk in freedom, live in that mind set and share it with others. They are sharing their wisdom everyday to bring healing to the church.

I have noticed that it is very common for Christians to talk about "being free" and they often quote this scripture: "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

But I am beginning to think the freedom they are talking about is simply freedom from hell. They are free because they are redeemed and will spend eternity in heaven. I am not disagreeing or making that fact any less valuable, but that freedom is just the tip of what the Lord offers to us.

I want to share an example with you because only when we see how specific the Lord is in freeing us, can we understand how deep He want to go to bring healing.

A couple of weeks ago I was talking with a friend and she mentioned hanging out with one of my other friends. Right then, something in me was uncomfortable. I didn't like that and really I just didn't want my friends being friends with out me around. I knew immediately that my inner response was wrong and not of the Lord so I thought about it all day wondering why I would have such a childish feeling.

After work I went to another friend and told her that I had something that God needed to change about me and I wanted her help. So we went to a room by ourselves and she said "Holy Spirit show Katy the first time she felt this way." I saw myself in my room when I was in 6th grade and a friend of mine was telling me something bad about one of our other friends. Right then I knew that if she would talk bad about her she would talk bad about me.

That was a negative experience as a child, but it would have had no effect on me if I had not attached a meaning to the situation. So my friend walking me through this said "Holy Spirit, show Katy if she believed a lie when this happened." I knew right away what I believed. That you have to be perfect for there not to be anything bad to say about you, and you can't have good friends if your not perfect.

See how my lie that I believed really wasn't the truth? The truth is that my 6th grade friend shouldn't gossip. But the enemy that hates us uses even the smallest negative event to lie to us.

In my little "ministry session", we continued asking God questions and going down memories to find out what I believed from those instances. By the end, we had unfolded a web of lies that effected my friendships even today, and I forgave those who were involved in the memories the Lord showed me. It was so freeing to know that my relationships would be healthier from this simple act of uncovering lies and claiming the truth. It was another layer of strongholds broken, all in a days work!

I am grateful to be learning how God wants to not only redeem us for eternity but redeem us for today. There is an ocean of freedom available for everyone if we search it out. God will always show up because He is eager to speak to us about our true identity.

- Katy

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


One of my favorite (and least favorite) things about being a Christian is the constant change it brings. The Holy Spirit speaks to me daily about my attitude, character and habits and gently shows me the places that I need... let's say refining.

Most recently the Lord has been speaking to me about becoming a graceful person. A woman that extends grace to others generously. As grace has been freely given to me by the Father, I want to learn to easily give grace to other people.

I think we are all graceful in certain areas; the places in our lives that are easy for us to not get upset about, or the ways we are more understanding. For example, the other day Kyle accidentally got food on my shirt. No problem to me, I whipped out my Tide pen to go and took care of it without ever being frustrated with him. Extending grace for accidents or mistakes is easy to me.

Now on the other hand, you put me with someone who is stubborn and close minded and I pull out my judgmental guns in no time. Or when someone says something inappropriate or is hard-hearted towards the Lord, I am a cannon ready to fire with opinion about their behavior.

Kyle is the exact opposite! He has such amazing grace for people who drive me crazy but he would have a more difficult time with me spilling food on him. No matter what gets you judging people and losing your cool, it is the same bottom line. Unending grace has been given to you... shouldn't we learn to give it to others?

The habit of judgment is not from the Holy Spirit but directly from a spirit of pride or criticism. I was telling Kyle that I am committed to changing and needed his help to remind me of this when I start heading down the path of criticism. Of course, when you recruit your spouse to keep you accountable you need it to be done in a very "easy to swallow" way. So I told Kyle to just let me know by calling me "Ballerina". A quick and inoffensive way to remind me that I am to walk down a graceful path and not one that nit picks other people.

Ballerina is silly, but that is why I chose it. When I am stuck in the mind set of judging another person, I will need a goofy reminder to refocus my thoughts and say "Holy Spirit, I messed up again. Thank you for being a very patient and GRACEFUL teacher. I give you control, please help me to do better next time."

- Katy

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thank you to my Dad

This Father's Day I wanted to share something that I have been thinking about for sometime. The past year I have learned more and more that my father is an incredible gift to me for far more reasons than I new before.

I have always been grateful for his dedication to our family, making me listen to all kinds of music, supporting me in every dream I have, coming to a million football games to watch me cheer, forcing me to sound out words when I asked how to spell them, take me to get More Than Yogurt when sick, and on and on and on.

Those things were what always made me grateful for my dad. But the past year I have been on an amazing freedom journey with the Lord and what I discovered is my dad painted a beautiful picture of God the Father to me. Many women cannot connect to God the Father because of the earthly father they have. They see him as mean, uninterested, or even hateful because of the way their father treated them growing up.

I easily connect with God the Father and trust in his unfailing love because of my dad and what he deposited in me.

What my dad put in me was value. He valued my drawings, my pitiful tumbling, he valued my broken heart, he valued making my lunch special by drawing my name on the front, gave value to my friends by treating them like princesses also, in everything he did he in-steeled destiny and confidence.

This principle will change the course of a little girls life. I grew up to marry a man who values me and shows me everyday. I know that I can obey God no matter how crazy it sounds. I know that God loves me for me and not for who I could be and I owe this to my dad because he showed me my identity.

Thank you Daddy. I love you.

- Katy

Monday, June 14, 2010


A little over a week ago I returned to Main Stage strip club with two other women to wash the feet of the ladies working there. This time was different in many ways because I was not walking in clueless of what would happen, what I would see and what the spiritual climate was like. This being my second time to go I was now a pro. Well until it was time to pull in the parking lot. I turned to Kyle and said "Do want to see or movie or something?" He simply smiled and said "No."

Although I was not going in clueless, there was a brand new set of emotions rising inside me. I knew that the first step in would be like stepping into a thick cloud of sadness because of bondage's tight grip on each person in the club. But this time I was also more determined to ask the Holy Spirit exactly what to say so that the time would not be wasted on small talk but speaking directly to their hearts.

This is where Megan comes in.

I met a beautiful 18 year old dancer and asked if I could give her a pedicure. She was more than happy to have it done so she came over to my tub of water and introduced herself as Donna Paige. We started talking and after a minute she said her name was actually Megan.

We connected very easily, obviously by the power of the Holy Spirit as we had absolutely nothing in common. She opened up to me and basically told me her life story. I won't share the details because I believe one day she will be coming with me to church and I don't want everyone knowing her business. :)

While I was washing her feet she said "Why are you doing this?", I said "Because this has to be a very hard job and I want to bless you." She said "It is. You should feel good about yourself when you go home."

(I am going to pause for you to let that sink in)

My heart dropped. I wanted to start balling. All I could say was that it didn't make me feel good because when I went I home she was still here and her life was still the same.

It felt like a terrible reply but I think my honesty made her trust me.

While painting her nails I remembered the meaning of the name Megan is pearl. The Holy Spirit was obviously opening a door so I told her the meaning of Megan and she was very surprised. I shared with her that although pearls are surrounded by ugly stuff like the shell and the mud that covers it, there is still a beautiful pearl inside. That even when ugly things are all around, she is still a pearl.

It was very obvious that Megan wasn't used to seeing herself as a pearl but she was very receptive as I told her about it. It was an unusual moment of talking intimately, almost like for a minute we weren't in a strip club. It was a brief moment and that is as far as we got, but it was a divine moment brought to us by God and I know we will have many more.

- Katy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

American Dream

Tonight I was in a prayer meeting at the church with six other women. We were meeting to pray for God's daughters in the sex industry; the slaves, prostitutes, strippers and those being abused. It was a powerful two hours as we poured out our hearts and asked the Lord to give us a strategic plan on how to help these women. You could feel the sweet presence of the Lord in that room as we ran to Him asking for help. When leaving my friend Jessica said "I have no words" and she was right, because it was a completely humbling experience and I left with an incredible sense of purpose.

I am so humbled that God is taking the time to speak to my heart about the daughters that He needs rescued. I said today that God is wrecking my life... but in the most amazing way. Kyle and I are definitely not living the "American Dream", but we are praying and serving and fighting for justice which I believe is the Kingdom Dream.

Micah 6:8
The Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.

- Katy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Far, Far Beyond Me

This blog is a warning. If you ask God to use you to help the hurting, He will.

Yesterday I was invited to a meeting with four other women to discuss the problems we are facing concerning the human trafficking happening right here in our surrounding area. We each shared about the burden we have and all agreed that God is ready for us to do something more than we currently are and we need to pray. So we decided to meet every Thursday night during the summer to ask the Lord for direction on how we will make a difference.

I left that meeting excited about a new opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, yet overwhelmed by the need that is so far beyond me.

Then, just a few hours later, I was invited to have dinner with a young woman that is a counselor for women rescued from the Red Light District in Mumbai, India. I was heartbroken as she told me story after story of girls being kidnapped and abused.

Once again I left that meeting excited about the connection God made, but overwhelmed by the need that is far beyond me.

And finally today. About four o'clock, we got a phone call at work that the police in a near by city had picked up a 24 year old prostitute and were asking us to find a place for her to go. Excuse me? I work at a church... in women's groups. Well apparently that now fits in my job description.

This young woman had been praying that the police would find her for two days in this motel because she had no where to go and didn't know what to do. So today, when the police picked her up, she told them her story and ask for help to get out of this life. (This is were the women's department comes in.)

So the police call us, and after about and hour or so of calling people and making arrangements, we got the next few weeks of housing lined up for her and made a plan of how to help this woman long term.

It was pretty unusual for a Thursday afternoon but what I kept thinking as I drove home was; we asked for this. I know that every one of us who were working to help this hurting young woman have said "whatever it takes, Lord, to make a difference, I will do it."

And now, the opportunity was brought to us, and all we had to do was choose to step into what God had divinely put together and trust that He would make it work.

Though that situation was overwhelming and far beyond us, it was never far beyond God.

- Katy

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One Small Victory

In an overwhelming world of injustice and brokenness, I am going to celebrate every small victory!

Sunday afternoon I went back to Family Video (you may remember by blog "Blurred" about the inappropriate movie I found there), and went straight to the terrible movie I found on my last visit there. I picked it up and took it to the counter where a different woman was working than before, and handed her the movie. I said "I would like for you to explain to me how this movie is appropriate for Family Video." She looked a little stunned, saw the video I handed her and said "Its not." She said its not!! I was overjoyed that someone working there actually understood what I was saying!

So, after talking to her a minute about it, I said that since she agreed that the erotic film was not appropriate I would like for the movie to be removed from their shelf and..... she said it would be removed that day! Praise the Lord!

Now, you know I will be going in there every few weeks to make sure it doesn't find its way back on display. :) But I am celebrating this tiny victory because if everyone of us fought for a tiny victory, they would add up pretty quickly.

- Katy

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Mats We Carry

Mark 2:11-12

11"I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." 12 He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"

In this story in Mark, Jesus heals a paralyzed man. That is all I had ever seen in those verses, but T.D. Jakes taught on this parable last week at a conference Kyle was at and revealed a whole new meaning.

Jesus said "take your mat", not "your healed so leave your mat because you don't need it anymore" like I would assume. Jesus said "take your mat" because he was teaching the healed man that although you no longer need it, others do. People need to see your mat so that they can find freedom from their own mats. I had missed an incredible part of the story by overlooking this because when God heals us, it is our responsibility to take what once controlled us and share it with others. We are to take the mat that held us down to impact those who are still on theirs.

Some people are ashamed of what once controlled them and kept them in bondage, but the Lord wants us to pick it up and carry it, because we now have control over it. This is our greatest tool and testimony. Your "mat" that paralyzed you is your story, your experience and what you have to offer hope and freedom to others.

There is a saying that people at my church say often "Hurt people, hurt people. But free people, free people." When you are still controlled by your "mat" you are a hurt person still hurting others. But once you have found freedom it is now your duty to help others find freedom.

This makes me wonder if there are many Christians who have been healed and are not "paralyzed" anymore, but are still laying on their mat. They have seen the power of God but are scared to take the needed step to get up and walk. Or others may have jumped off their mat and walked out, but left their mat and story behind because of the shame of their past.

We lose so much ability to help others when we leave our mat behind or try and hide it so that we can forget about where we came from.

A mat that once controlled me was the fear of rejection. I made every decision based on that fear and operated daily so that I would be accepted. I had no idea that I was doing this, but saw the fruit of this lie when I would be offended easily or be crushed when I was not validated or included. I believed a lie that I would never be good enough or valuable enough and in turn needed every person's acceptance.

Last summer I went to an intense freedom weekend at my church called KAIROS. At this event the Lord showed me the place where I first believed this lie and it was shocking how long ago it was. At that moment I believe the lie that I would never be good enough and began a journey of perfectionism. I thought that if I could be perfect in every way, eventually I would be worth accepting.

It was such an overwhelming experience to have God gently show me where this started in my life and how it affected me daily. I now call mayself a recovery perfectionist. It is not easy because I was bound by my perfectionism mat for a long time, but my God said to me that I am valuable and accepted and released me from my mat. So now, I take what controlled me everywhere I go because there are so many people in bondage to this same lie and it is my responsibility to point them to The One who heals.

Every person's mat is a little bit different and the more freedom we find the more mats we carry. I image that the mat we are bound to is heavy and filthy but as soon as we are freed from it and it has no power, it is light and easy to throw over our shoulder and carry without burden. I hope you too, will grab your mat before you walk out the door so that you will be ready to tell how this silly old mat controlled you, but now God controls it for you.

- Katy

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I was casually wandering up and down the aisles in Family Video tonight when I saw a movie that shocked me. It was called "Sinful Desires" with a picture of a naked woman on the cover. Her private areas were just barely BLURRED, as if that made it ok to place between your everyday "S" titled movies.

After Kyle paid for our movie and started to leave, I went and got that movie and took it to the counter. I let the woman working there know that this movie was just sitting on the shelf for anyone to see. She seemed confused that I had a problem with that, so I explained to her that it was very offensive to have such a movie in a Family Video and I would like for her to know that there are people who are not ok with that. (You do not have to worry, I was very polite and said that I know it is not her decision to have it)

When we left I was sick. Sick that a place that rents children's movies for free would put that kind of movie in plain sight. Sick that most people walk by with no clue the damage it is causing. Sick that a girl is being wrongly looked at everyday by hundreds of people.

I began thinking, has everything become blurred? Is it common thinking that as long as some areas of sinful behavior are blurred it is ok? I am overwhelmed with sadness realizing that most people's lives are filled with blurred areas.

Will you join me in being a person that is opposed to blurring injustice?

Purity is right, perversion is wrong.
Honor is right, exploitation is wrong.
Acceptance is right, abuse is wrong.

The world is full of people who say maybe to everything and every issue. What they don't see is that when a wrong, black and white issue becomes grey, it causes death. It isn't simply right and wrong, it is life and death.

Please choose to be uncomfortable by standing up and being a voice for what is right. To tell the world the Christians care and will stand for was it right and pure and true.

I am NOT promoting stoning people who support pornography, actually the opposite. Think of the women posing for those types of movies as the daughters of a King and the men who walk by that movie and allow their thoughts to wonder as sons of a King.

It is time to fight back, against the kingdom of darkness that is taking captives everyday, one movie at a time.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

To Our Mommas

Our moms are not forgetten and definitely not unlovable but it is Mother's Day and they deserve to be honored. They deserve much more than a blog but that is all we have so here are our thank you's to our mommas.


You are over the top. Fun, creative, out of the box, exciting, devoted, giving, accepting, inspiring and much more. That is why "over the top" is the perfect way to describe you. When people are with you, you bring out the best in them. Make them dream and think of themselves as valuable because how you see people has impact. When I talk about you and tell stories of my childhood people always say "I've got to meet her" because your a people magnet. Your heart for the Lord is magnetic even through stories. I am grateful for the confident yet servants heart you have passed down to your girls. You and Dad have raised a generation that is not content with lukewarm lives. I am humbled that the Lord chose you as my mother.

- Thank you for sitting on the porch swing watching me tumble and cheer and dance in the yard who knows how many hours and days.
- Thank you for taking me shopping when my heart was broken by a best friend or boyfriend.
- Thank you for coming to every pep rally and football game.
- Thank you for cooking dinner every night so we could sit at the table as a family.
- Thank you for listening to me as I told you about... everything!
- Thank you for putting my hair up in pink rollers hundreds of nights.
- Thank you for comforting me when I wasn't invited to the cool girl's sleep over.
- Thank you for planning my entire wedding.
- Thank you for still being my momma even now as I am married and live 2 hours away. I know that you are still always there.

I love you.


Mom, what an amazing person you are. Your fun, giving, out-going, supportive, an awesome worshiper, a great wife to dad, and just a good ol' country girl. You know how to raise a family, have a job, do housework, yet, somehow you were always there for us, and you never complained along the way. You truly know the meaning of sacrificial love because you have sacrificed yourself for us boys (dad included). You are strong, have a passion for the Lord that is infectious, and the touch of your hand comforts my soul.

- Thank you for giving me a Ninja Turtles birthday party.
- Thank you for driving us across the state for track meets, and sitting outside in 100 degree heat.
- Thank you for being an example of a Christ like servant.
- Thank you for going to all of my football games, baseball games, karate tournaments, and basketball games.
- Thank you for making me feel like the most loved boy on the planet.
- Thank you for cooking some of the best food I've ever eaten.
- Thank you for loving my wife like she is your own daughter.
- Thank you for giving of yourself everyday, so that I could be comfortable and have everything I ever wanted and needed.

I love you so much, mom.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Greater is He

This past Saturday night Kyle and I stepped way, way, far beyond our comfort zone and saw a world that we had never seen. A group of people who are so hurt, confused and lost that it broke our hearts. This story is about the unlovable.

It is pretty easy to say that a man that goes to strip clubs and a woman that steps out on the stage to sell her body are pretty unlovable. Well, it turns out that when you give them a face and a name they are just like us. Yes, us. If Kyle's parents hadn't been wonderful and he wasn't saved at an early age, he could easily be a young man that thinks of strip clubs as normal weekend hang outs. And I, could have been abused, neglected and a few bad choices later being giving myself away to pay the rent. It is hard to comprehend how easily it happens, but the devil has evil motives from the beginning and preys on hurting young people.

So, Saturday night my friend Jessica and I went with six other women to a strip club to wash the feet of strippers. For 2 1/2 hours we sat in the dressing room and gave pedicures to the girls, talked to them, listened to their stories and just treated them like the valuable people they are. While we were inside, Kyle and Andrew (Jessica's husband) sat in the car parked far behind the club and prayed for us and the men going in the clubs.

For Jessica and I it was shocking, amazing, overwhelming, heart breaking, hopeless and full of hope all at the same time. And for the guys, it was somehow the same. Though they were far away and guarded from the evil that we were sitting in, they were just as much a part.

So much happened to our hearts that night that I cannot figure out a way to write it out. It was overwhelming to meet the outcast of society and discover that they are real people. My heart aches when I think of what those girls are doing right now as I sit here writing about them. I wonder what is happening to their heart as they are being taken advantage of and how the Lord is so grieved watching His precious daughter.

I decided not to write about the details of the night in this blog, because God hasn't even gotten there with me yet. I haven't even processed the conversations that I had with the women. I feel like I am still standing in the entry of the club, walking into every darkness you can image, asking the Lord "why?".

This was an eye opening experience that I will never forget and I am so humbled the Lord used me to love on His brokenhearted daughters. But, what amazes me the most is for the first time in my life I truly understand this verse:

1 John 4:4
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

The thickness of evil that filled that strip club could not penetrate or consume me... because He was in me. And I am in awe.


(We will continue doing this the first Saturday of every month at 8pm so please pray for us and the women that we going in there to rescue)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Teaching the Outsiders

Matthew 9:12-13 (Message)
Jesus, overhearing, shot back, "Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: 'I'm after mercy, not religion.' I'm here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders."

When I read that verse, I stopped to think about people that I know that invite outsiders and go to the sick and hurting. One person that stuck out in my mind is my sister, Emily. I know what your thinking, another sister story? Yep! Because they are awesome and do crazy things. And just wait because one of these days you will hear about my other sister, Libby, who may actually be the craziest one of all of us.

But today is a story about Emily because through her daily choice to demonstrate love and acceptance to a group of the forgotten, she is impacting many precious lives.

Emily is an art teacher at the high school in my hometown. She is very talented and God has given her amazing creativity. She teaches different ages and levels of art, but the most impressive part of her job is that she teaches art to special needs students.

She goes out of her way to assign them projects that give independence, freedom and excitement to their day. These students, if she was allowed to have favorites, would be her favorite. Her heart is specially crafted to connect with them and show them their value.

While most people have sympathy for those with special needs, Emily has compassion and sees the potential in each one of them.

What you don't know about Emily is, she has about 30 degrees and 60 certifications (I may have rounded up) and is qualified to teach almost anything at any level. She has studied multiple subjects, trained to write curriculum and could run a drama department, coach a debate team and organize prom all with her baby on her hip. But sometimes it is not about what we are capable of doing, but what we will humble ourselves to do.

My sister, Emily has chosen a small high school and a special group of teenagers, because teaching the outsiders is a high calling... and this inspires me.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What I Thought Was Just a Shirt

This morning I put on a shirt that says "Live Love Give Love" and then of course carefully accessorized and chose the right shoes that "work" but do not match. Once I completed the look, I took a quick once over in the mirror and was ready to head out. But something stopped me. My shirt was speaking to me, "Live Love Give Love", I hadn't really thought about it, but do I fully understand or live by what I was about to advertise all day long?

As I continued thinking about it while taking Daisy (our rat terrier) out for her morning walk, I realized that I understand the "Live Love" part. Loving your family, taking care of your friends that are hurting, asking the Lord to clothe you in grace in love daily and attempting to have a pure heart. I understand "Live Love" though I may not always do it.

But "Give Love" really stuck out in my mind. It made me realize that many of us were blessed with parents that gave you love, teachers the believed in you and gave you love in that way, or even had grandparents that made special memories with you and gave you love in a unique way through small moments such as taking you ice skating or fixing you a bowl of Raisin Bran. But not every one is automatically given love from the beginning, which is why we must choose to take every chance we get to deposit love into a stranger just in case they never did.

So now I am thinking, it is not just the nice thing to do, to always speak to the cashier at Wal-Mart and hold the door open for someone at the gym, it is our responsibility. It is our tiny moment in time to give love to someone who may not ever receive such a gift.

I am about to head to a group, wearing my new favorite t-shirt and it will serve as a reminder all day to give love to the lady at Starbucks, person who cuts me off on 1709, the women who emails me with a complaint and so on.

If God can speak to me through a $5 t-shirt from Forever 21, I know that he can speak to someone else because you chose to stop and say "Thank you for what you do, and I hope you have a wonderful day" as you get your receipt at Target.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shout out to the Foster Parents

This story is about people who are often over looked, the Foster Parents.

Yesterday was Faith Day. Three years ago yesterday my sister and her husband lost their baby girl before ever meeting her. They named her Joanna Faith and claimed April 26th as "Faith Day". Though we have never laid eyes on her or held her little fingers, she has changed our lives in many ways. Her life led my sister and her husband on a journey that is still being played out, but one thing we can honor her for is their decision to become foster parents.

As foster parents they have to deal with paperwork, state laws, strict guidelines, surprise visits, and the list goes one. It is not easy, but what is worthy, is never easy. Although, they must put up with all of those things everyday, they are also the people who can change a child's life.

Imagine you open your front door to find a women standing there with a baby. She tells you that she needs to get help because of a drug problem but she needs someone to take care of her baby while she gets better. What would you say? Yes, of course. No one would leave a child on the street! This in a way is what foster parents do. But they go a step further and go to trainings and put their names on a list so that when a child is in need, they will have a place to go.

There is great reward in fostering. Meeting the needs of a fallen world does not go unnoticed by God. So far my sister and her husband have cared for 3 children, one that is now forever theirs. Aspen Dai is the face of a world in need that God loves beyond measure and we could not imagine our lives without her.

This is only one story of thousands of foster parents. So the next time you run into a foster parent you know, tell them "Thank you" and just that. Not how you can't image doing that or they are so super human for caring for these kids, it never comes across right. So just thank them, because they are choosing discomfort over easy every single day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Here we go...

Hello, we are Kyle and Katy Davis.

The Rock Sofa is a place for us to tell stories of people who go beyond safe, predictable, comfortable lives and choose to love others extravagantly. To be a voice for the helpless, forgotten and unlovable.

This is our journey of learning how to be untamed Christians.