Sunday, October 3, 2010

Love is a Battlefield

Imagine you are a 23 year old dancer with a little girl to take care of and the only dependable people in your life are your best friend and your brother's baby's mama. (I'm new at the baby mama slang)

So when I come in your strip club dressing room, introduce myself and give you a pedicure, you would be a shocked too when I refused to take payment or a tip.

Well, this dancer wasn't just shocked, she turned her head away and said "I'm gonna cry."

I'm sitting on the floor thinking, its just a pedicure? But what Kyle helped me realize later is, it wasn't that she didn't know how to accept a gift, she didn't know how to accept love.

In her world, love is a battlefield. You use people, they use you and you move on. Its is a painful gamble and it is easier to numb yourself and get used to it than remain open hearted.

In my world love is everywhere, my friendships, family, marriage, etc. So how do I bridge her life and mine? I don't know, but I'm trusting God to figure that out.

- Katy

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