Sunday, May 9, 2010

To Our Mommas

Our moms are not forgetten and definitely not unlovable but it is Mother's Day and they deserve to be honored. They deserve much more than a blog but that is all we have so here are our thank you's to our mommas.


You are over the top. Fun, creative, out of the box, exciting, devoted, giving, accepting, inspiring and much more. That is why "over the top" is the perfect way to describe you. When people are with you, you bring out the best in them. Make them dream and think of themselves as valuable because how you see people has impact. When I talk about you and tell stories of my childhood people always say "I've got to meet her" because your a people magnet. Your heart for the Lord is magnetic even through stories. I am grateful for the confident yet servants heart you have passed down to your girls. You and Dad have raised a generation that is not content with lukewarm lives. I am humbled that the Lord chose you as my mother.

- Thank you for sitting on the porch swing watching me tumble and cheer and dance in the yard who knows how many hours and days.
- Thank you for taking me shopping when my heart was broken by a best friend or boyfriend.
- Thank you for coming to every pep rally and football game.
- Thank you for cooking dinner every night so we could sit at the table as a family.
- Thank you for listening to me as I told you about... everything!
- Thank you for putting my hair up in pink rollers hundreds of nights.
- Thank you for comforting me when I wasn't invited to the cool girl's sleep over.
- Thank you for planning my entire wedding.
- Thank you for still being my momma even now as I am married and live 2 hours away. I know that you are still always there.

I love you.


Mom, what an amazing person you are. Your fun, giving, out-going, supportive, an awesome worshiper, a great wife to dad, and just a good ol' country girl. You know how to raise a family, have a job, do housework, yet, somehow you were always there for us, and you never complained along the way. You truly know the meaning of sacrificial love because you have sacrificed yourself for us boys (dad included). You are strong, have a passion for the Lord that is infectious, and the touch of your hand comforts my soul.

- Thank you for giving me a Ninja Turtles birthday party.
- Thank you for driving us across the state for track meets, and sitting outside in 100 degree heat.
- Thank you for being an example of a Christ like servant.
- Thank you for going to all of my football games, baseball games, karate tournaments, and basketball games.
- Thank you for making me feel like the most loved boy on the planet.
- Thank you for cooking some of the best food I've ever eaten.
- Thank you for loving my wife like she is your own daughter.
- Thank you for giving of yourself everyday, so that I could be comfortable and have everything I ever wanted and needed.

I love you so much, mom.


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