Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fully Present

Yesterday morning I was about to do ministry in a small group when my thoughts started drifting to the next meeting I needed to be at, the emails sitting in my inbox and so on. My brain was a good two hours ahead of me!

When I realized that my heart rate was increasing just thinking about my day, I stopped and asked the Lord to help me be fully present in where I actually was (not all the places I could have been). It would have been all too easy to think about the items on my to do list while in the group instead of fully engaging in what God was going to do.

This train of thought lead me to wonder how often we are not fully present because half of our present is in the future. Am I only partly in the season I am in now because I am worrying about what may be ahead?

I realized that in order for me to be fully present in my own life I have to work at it. You would think it would come naturally to be completely engaged in your own life, but really many of us are so concerned about the next step that we are missing the places we are passing by now.

I don't know about you, but I want to BE where I am. Not DO where I am, BE. See the difference?

I will be praying this from now on whenever my mind takes a step too soon:

Lord, please help me live my life on purpose. Fully present, fully engaged and not distracted by my own thoughts and agenda. Oh, and when I am "falling asleep at the wheel" you have full permission to awaken my soul!

- Katy

1 comment:

  1. This is a constant struggle for me. In fact, just tonight, right before I read your blog, I was stressing out about the next three weddings we have, and how far away Thanksgiving seems. Thank you for the snap back to the place I want to be. Your blog is ALWAYS a blessing to me!
