Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thank you to my Dad

This Father's Day I wanted to share something that I have been thinking about for sometime. The past year I have learned more and more that my father is an incredible gift to me for far more reasons than I new before.

I have always been grateful for his dedication to our family, making me listen to all kinds of music, supporting me in every dream I have, coming to a million football games to watch me cheer, forcing me to sound out words when I asked how to spell them, take me to get More Than Yogurt when sick, and on and on and on.

Those things were what always made me grateful for my dad. But the past year I have been on an amazing freedom journey with the Lord and what I discovered is my dad painted a beautiful picture of God the Father to me. Many women cannot connect to God the Father because of the earthly father they have. They see him as mean, uninterested, or even hateful because of the way their father treated them growing up.

I easily connect with God the Father and trust in his unfailing love because of my dad and what he deposited in me.

What my dad put in me was value. He valued my drawings, my pitiful tumbling, he valued my broken heart, he valued making my lunch special by drawing my name on the front, gave value to my friends by treating them like princesses also, in everything he did he in-steeled destiny and confidence.

This principle will change the course of a little girls life. I grew up to marry a man who values me and shows me everyday. I know that I can obey God no matter how crazy it sounds. I know that God loves me for me and not for who I could be and I owe this to my dad because he showed me my identity.

Thank you Daddy. I love you.

- Katy

1 comment:

  1. Katy,
    You are truly very lucky. You do have an amazing earthly father. (He rocks as a cousin as well.) We were both very blessed to be treasured by our dads as people and truly loved.

    You stated it perfectly. They guided us by example to help us become who we are today. I know that my dad was proud of me because he never failed to tell me. I also know that your dad would pull the moon out of the sky to light your room if you were scared. He glows when he talks about you and always has.

    You have developed into an inspiring young lady and that is greatly due to your parents and grandparents. (and of course the turkey and dressing dinner on Thanksgiving)

    Much Love,
