Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I was casually wandering up and down the aisles in Family Video tonight when I saw a movie that shocked me. It was called "Sinful Desires" with a picture of a naked woman on the cover. Her private areas were just barely BLURRED, as if that made it ok to place between your everyday "S" titled movies.

After Kyle paid for our movie and started to leave, I went and got that movie and took it to the counter. I let the woman working there know that this movie was just sitting on the shelf for anyone to see. She seemed confused that I had a problem with that, so I explained to her that it was very offensive to have such a movie in a Family Video and I would like for her to know that there are people who are not ok with that. (You do not have to worry, I was very polite and said that I know it is not her decision to have it)

When we left I was sick. Sick that a place that rents children's movies for free would put that kind of movie in plain sight. Sick that most people walk by with no clue the damage it is causing. Sick that a girl is being wrongly looked at everyday by hundreds of people.

I began thinking, has everything become blurred? Is it common thinking that as long as some areas of sinful behavior are blurred it is ok? I am overwhelmed with sadness realizing that most people's lives are filled with blurred areas.

Will you join me in being a person that is opposed to blurring injustice?

Purity is right, perversion is wrong.
Honor is right, exploitation is wrong.
Acceptance is right, abuse is wrong.

The world is full of people who say maybe to everything and every issue. What they don't see is that when a wrong, black and white issue becomes grey, it causes death. It isn't simply right and wrong, it is life and death.

Please choose to be uncomfortable by standing up and being a voice for what is right. To tell the world the Christians care and will stand for was it right and pure and true.

I am NOT promoting stoning people who support pornography, actually the opposite. Think of the women posing for those types of movies as the daughters of a King and the men who walk by that movie and allow their thoughts to wonder as sons of a King.

It is time to fight back, against the kingdom of darkness that is taking captives everyday, one movie at a time.



  1. I would've been like "Uhh EXCUSE me this IS called FAMILY Video?! Right?" -- Good post :)

  2. Amen, sister, preach it! Seriously.

  3. This is so good Katy. When we view the world through God's eyes, we see so clearly. When we view the world through our eyes, our vision is blurred. May I start today to see each day through God's eyes.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You couldn't have said it better...and I'm excited that I just found your blog :)
