Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who Do You Say That I Am?

I just read this quote from Rick Warren: "What you become on earth matters far more than what you do. You're taking your character to heaven, not your career."

Hmmm. So what if you make serving the Kingdom your career? Does it still apply? In my opinion, YES.

Jesus said to love others as yourself. To me this means, first learn how to properly love yourself, second you will naturally love others.

When we try to be world changers out of a broken place we are not helping anyone. Hurt people hurt people, even if you are doing something noble. You may disagree with me (which is perfectly ok), but until you have a complete revelation that Jesus died for specifically you, you cannot fully see how Jesus died specifically for someone else.

I have know my entire life that Jesus died for the world because He loves us that much. But it wasn't until I grasped that He would have done the same thing had it just been me, that I could fully see other people's value.

Once we allow that kind of love to overwhelm us, we can be overwhelmed with compassion for others. Not sympathy. Compassion.

I believe to properly love myself is to ask God "Who do you say that I am?" and then believe Him and adjust my thinking to align with His perspective. Then I can view the world and others through His eyes and not through a filter that is based on my experiences.

My hope is that you will take time to consider how well you love yourself before trying to give out what you do not have. A changed perspective and acceptance of your true identity is the first step to loving others as yourself.

- Katy

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