Thursday, April 29, 2010

What I Thought Was Just a Shirt

This morning I put on a shirt that says "Live Love Give Love" and then of course carefully accessorized and chose the right shoes that "work" but do not match. Once I completed the look, I took a quick once over in the mirror and was ready to head out. But something stopped me. My shirt was speaking to me, "Live Love Give Love", I hadn't really thought about it, but do I fully understand or live by what I was about to advertise all day long?

As I continued thinking about it while taking Daisy (our rat terrier) out for her morning walk, I realized that I understand the "Live Love" part. Loving your family, taking care of your friends that are hurting, asking the Lord to clothe you in grace in love daily and attempting to have a pure heart. I understand "Live Love" though I may not always do it.

But "Give Love" really stuck out in my mind. It made me realize that many of us were blessed with parents that gave you love, teachers the believed in you and gave you love in that way, or even had grandparents that made special memories with you and gave you love in a unique way through small moments such as taking you ice skating or fixing you a bowl of Raisin Bran. But not every one is automatically given love from the beginning, which is why we must choose to take every chance we get to deposit love into a stranger just in case they never did.

So now I am thinking, it is not just the nice thing to do, to always speak to the cashier at Wal-Mart and hold the door open for someone at the gym, it is our responsibility. It is our tiny moment in time to give love to someone who may not ever receive such a gift.

I am about to head to a group, wearing my new favorite t-shirt and it will serve as a reminder all day to give love to the lady at Starbucks, person who cuts me off on 1709, the women who emails me with a complaint and so on.

If God can speak to me through a $5 t-shirt from Forever 21, I know that he can speak to someone else because you chose to stop and say "Thank you for what you do, and I hope you have a wonderful day" as you get your receipt at Target.



  1. I completely agree! It's awesome that you are listening to God enough to hear him speak to you through a t-shirt! You have impacted my day, thank you!

  2. I love this. It is our responsibility. So many around us didn't have loving or encouraging families, friends, etc. We are responsible for spreading the heart of God throughout the earth. We were made in His image, and we should live like we believe it.
